Share The Sidewalk Intervention Project

Managing pedestrian traffic can be a difficult concept to grasp. Let’s help change that.

In a world where pedestrians have the right of way, there are times where they can be wrong.


Since elementary school, I have always been taught to stay on the right—whether that be in the hallway, outside, or anywhere that has people-traffic. Yet as an adult, I find that I am especially running into many people… or are they running into me?


An intervention that forces people to be more conscious of their surroundings while walking, and to make sure they are aware of the space they take up on the road.


Branding & Design System
Concept Development
User Experience
User Interface
Web Design


Graphic Design IV
Tatiana Gomez-Gaggero,
MassArt 2022


Design Intervention

The goal of this project was to analyze my everyday hinderances and to develop/design something tangible that intervenes with people in the real world.

I took this opportunity to create a witty geurilla “movement” that forced pedestrians to be more aware of their surroundings in public.

First Drafts & Process

How Interactions Changed My Project

For the initial sign sketches, I recorded how pedestrians reacted to my work on my local bike path. I chose this particular bike path as I knew a lot of families would be out, but I ended up running into a new demographic that I hadn’t considered: bikers!

I gained a lot of support from bicyclists as they often have trouble running into pedestrians, and since then—many of my conceptual/design choices had changed.


Ruddy – The Northern Block
Roboto – Christian Robertson (Google)

Juxtaposing the playfulness of this concept with the seriousness of the deliverables, I wanted to use this font pairing as a clear representation of that intention.

Online Presence

Though this intervention was to interact with people in real life, I felt that this project needed a hub for information.

Not only does this website link to the more interactive Instagram page, but it also has links to download templates so those who are interested can create their own signage within their communities.

Where Everything Lives

With this QR code sticker placed next to each sign, viewers will be led to the main hub where they can read more on the website, “join the movement” by participating on Instagram, and to oversee all of the process work.


dpr ian music box set


the artisan magazine