Hello! My name is Leilani (lay-lah-nee), I’m a Communication Design graduate of Massachusetts College of Art and Design—and currently, a Junior Digital Designer at Converse!

Though I’m skilled in tackling both print and digital work, my interests lie heavily behind the physicality of visual design (I love me some concepts!). As a curious thinker, I find myself fixated on the details and deeper meaning beyond all types of work (I’m always trying to find the “why”). With these interests, I try to continue pursuing more concept heavy disciplines such as UX design and Art Direction (I love problem solving from all angles).


- INFJ (I’m a walking paradox: Introverted yet People-Oriented, Creative yet Rational, Detail-Oriented yet Conceptual.)
- Terrible at small talk (Let’s talk like we were once friends in a past life!)
- Leo Sun, Aries Moon, and Virgo Rising (If that sort of thing means something to you…)

What am I doing when I’m not working?
- Referencing The Office and Friends way too much…
- Playing games like The Sims, Rollercoaster Tycoon, CODMWIII, and more
- Dyeing my hair a different color every season
- Developing a Notion page to study Ulcerative Colitis
- Trying to do more outdoor activities like fishing with my dad
- Using my dog as a model for my crochet projects

If you care to read more…

Being creative has always been second nature to me, though it was always something I was told to consider a hobby rather than a career. So, I did what any young hobbyist would do—I took advantage of what resources I had at school. I went to multiple “art-after-school” programs, participated in creative-science camps, and participated in two mural installations (once in middle school, then again in high school). I was always able to express myself in various creative ways, but never thought it would be something I could genuinely pursue as an adult.

I was then introduced to graphic design in my sophomore year of high school in 2016, and I used this experience as a “trial run”. I had the opportunity of showcasing one of my strongest pieces at the time (Lowell Travel Poster), as a spread in the senior yearbook. I also was able to display the same piece at the Jeanne D’Arc Credit Union student gallery for four months. In addition to these displays, said poster was also entered in the Whistler House Museum’s “Visual Voices 2018” exhibition. I was nominated for the museum’s graphic design portion of their art contest, and ended up winning second place for my artwork. It was then entered in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards of 2018, which won a Silver Key for design and excellence in visual arts. Though this piece gained a lot of attention, I wasn’t confident enough to convince myself to pursue design any further after high school.

I initially attended UMass Amherst from 2018–2020 as an English major, ignoring my love for visual arts but feeling stuck and wanting to explore something that allowed me to put my thoughts onto paper. What I had once ignored was suddenly appearing everywhere, and art was simply something I could not avoid. The more I researched future career paths that were in line with my skillset, I discovered graphic design as the perfect pathway that combined communication and visual arts. UMass Amherst did not have a graphic design program at the time, so I changed my major to Studio Arts in order to work on my portfolio to transfer universities.

In 2023, as I’ve wrapped up my college experience at MassArt, I can reflect on my past experiences prior to transferring. Although there were twists and turns in my journey, I can now confidently say I took the right path. I am extremely eager to learn more about the art and design world—and what it has to offer. Though adaptability is a part of my skillset, there is no doubt that my love for art and design will not change. I look for it in everything, and hope to use what I’ve learned in order to be a creative contribution to society.